Wellness Acupuncture is a relaxing and nourishing way to balance hormones, alleviate painful periods, and improve your health. By integrating traditional eastern and modern western reproductive medicine within a functional framework we offer individualized, comprehensive and holistic care for women’s health and reproductive wellness—specific to you.
Benefits of Wellness Acupuncture
Regulates menstruation
Reduces period pain and PMS
Balances hormones
Alleviates menopause discomfort
Improves sleep, digestion and immune health
Reduces stress, anxiety and depression
Relieves acute and chronic pain
Reduces surgical and cosmetic scarring
Supports anti-aging and buffers effects of oxidative stress
Our Wellness Services
Menstrual Health
By targeting our treatments at specific times in your menstrual cycle, acupuncture and herbal medicine can balance hormones, stimulate ovulation and smooth the release of menstrual blood to improve menstrual health and cycle regularity.
Acupuncture and herbal medicine can be instrumental in supporting women navigate the hormonal changes during menopause by reducing common symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, mood and weight fluctuations.
Women’s Health
By stimulating proper dynamics of oxygen, blood and nutrient exchange throughout the body and to the vital organs and tissues, acupuncture and herbal medicine influence our body on a cellular level to slow the aging process and preserve health.
Sleep & Emotions
All treatments are designed to support stress reduction and deep relaxation by unraveling holding patterns of tension and negative emotions to calm the nervous system and pave the way for better, deeper, more restorative sleep and emotional balance.
Our wellness services include:
Holistic review of gynecological health history
TCM evaluation, diagnosis and assessment
Acupuncture and meridian therapy
Customized herbal formulas and supplementation
Bodywork, cupping, guasha and moxibustion
Abdominal massage
Individualized dietary and lifestyle recommendations
Prescriptive yoga postures
Mindfulness and breathing techniques
At-home therapies for self-care
Specific services and modalities vary by patient, condition, and treatment.
Timing of Wellness Acupuncture
Once you become a patient of Fertile Spring we are here to support you in all your holistic health care needs, even beyond the reproductive years.
General Timing
Treatment plans are individually customized based on specific conditions, onset and duration of symptoms.
Corrective Care
For acute and chronic conditions a series of acupuncture treatments for corrective care is typically recommended to provide faster, longer-lasting relief.
Preventative Care
Acupuncture is the perfect monthly ‘tune-up’ to balance body, mind and spirit for overall wellness and as a natural anti-aging modality.
Commonly Treated Women’s Health Conditions
Adrenal Fatigue
Decreased Libido
Digestive Issues
Headaches and Migraines
Hormone Balance
Hot Flashes
Sleep Issues
Premenstrual Syndrome
Irregular Menstruation
Mood Fluctuations
Stress and Anxiety
Menstrual Clotting
Ovarian Cysts
Painful Periods
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Thyroid Imbalance
Uterine Bleeding
Uterine Fibroids
Uterine Prolapse
Urinary Tract Infections
Bacterial Vaginosis
Yeast Infections